Here is why Narendra Modi won 2007 Gujarat Elections


Sujata Anandan has again written in her ‘The Oped Page’ in Hindustan Times, Mumbai edition (December 12, 2007) why Gujaratis should feel ashamed of themselves! I don’t understand for the main reason why is she so much after making the community to be ashamed of themselves for voting Modi!

Anandan thinks she is writing something smart which will impress likeminded Gujaratis and others from the rest of the India
who vote against Modi! Well, she’s fooling herself then. The people of Gujarat, all gujaratis and I believe the entire literate India is for development. Under the tenure of Modi’s government in Gujarat, the state has witnessed organic growth in areas as wide as agriculture, rural development, urban development and infrastructure, industrial development and
investment, water supply, electricity (24 hours for villages which even the Central government has to confine to) etc. The people of India have voted for this growth story and not entirely for the Hindutva the BJP party and Narendra Modi has adapted so far.

The reason why Gujaratis and all the positive Indians do not like Congress is simple. What Congress brings when they come to power is Reservation Quota for so-called backward classes, ST, SC, OBC and what not. Why? Because these are the people who vote for congress and they know this. These illiterate people can be fooled by the Congress any given day but not the literate urban voter. Congress knew they can not convince the urban gujarati because the Congress did literally nothing good in 40 years in Gujarat. One man is here doing something right; his own BJP rebels are against him, media is against him, journalists like you Mrs/Miss Anandan are against him, all other parties oppose him and still he won! Because, you people just couldn’t analyze the power of a literate voter! Gone are the days of those illiterate, foul mouthed and empty minded village born, power stealing pathetic voters. Congress can not think anything beyond the so-called Gandhi family;
Congress will have to suffer this in the coming elections. The Gujarat polls are the result of a changing India.

Anandan writes, “whatever the Congress’s flip-flop on the issue, Modi is, indeed, a merchant of death”� Wow, Godhra riots happened because those so-called Muslims burnt the train which had all Hindus! Why in the hell don’t you blame those Jihadi muslims first who burnt the train? Hindus have given the reply that such stupid acts won’t be tolerated again anymore. I am not against the entire Muslim community; No. But those secular ones trying to fight Hinduism on the name of Allah and Jihad – they must learn a lesson. Nobody wants such riots, but when you pour fuel in the fire, it will burst and you will be the first one to die within it! Such terrorists must learn this if they want to survive!

Anandan starts another one of her stupid write-up by explaining a meaningless story of how one bad Colonel living above the flat of her friend and then tried to justify so-called claims over Modi with the clarification of those of Colonel’s. Nobody is interested in such typo my friend. Then she tries to prove how wrong Modi is, how violent he is by comparing him with Mahatma Gandhi by saying how non-violent he is.

Madam, compare yourself with the Mahatma’s non-violence, you will also be automatically proved as a violent one. A far more violent than you think you are. You write so much in against of the people of Gujarat and all Gujaratis – this is violence. This is indirect violence – a far more cursed and dangerous one! If somebody gives you a pistol and you see Modi in front of you, you will probably fire at him! You should not talk about violence if you yourself are not one.

And, Gandhi’s Gujarat was in 1947, your highness. Today is 21st century. Our dear 1st prime minister tried to follow Gandhi’s non-violence post his death in 1948 but failed. He realized that the world can eat you if you are a complete non-violent person and not only he but the whole of India witnessed the curse of non-violence when China attacked India in Nehru’s tenure! Nehruji couldn’t come out of this shock till the end of his life. So, this is 21st century madam, stop fooling ourself by preaching over such issues which are not practical.

She further writes, “other anguished Gujaratis of some standing in Bombay added their own. ‘We are ashamed to be known as Gujaratis. No one will ever respect us again in this world,’ they said at that time.’ Ha! What a creep! Do you have this in
written with you madam? Can you publish the proof of who said so in your column?

And, again you have to see the facts. 100% of all Gujaratis can’t support BJP and Modi now. There is a percentage among them who do not support the Modi type of governance because they want to steal! These people, these rebellions want to steal electricity, they don’t want to pay tax, they just want to enjoy and let other urban middle-class pay for their crimes. Modi
has put is right, ‘this is a positive vote’. It couldn’t have been any better.

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Kunal Pandya

Kunal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor and startup evangelist. He has helped build and scale up several businesses and products from the ground up. Apart from NCrypted, he serves as an advisory and is on the board of several of our client companies that we partner with.

6 thoughts on “Here is why Narendra Modi won 2007 Gujarat Elections”

  1. Anandan writes, "whatever the Congress’s flip-flop on the issue, Modi is, indeed, a merchant of death"� Wow, Godhra riots happened because those so-called Muslims burnt the train which had all Hindus! Why in the hell don’t you blame those Jihadi muslims first who burnt the train?

    Above are the words, which are highly missed or overlooked by the media, and blamed Modi for what happened in Gujarat.

  2. Excellent writeup Kunal. I think she has not yet understood the power of literate voters. Even today she is spreading venom against Modi without any particular reason. All i have heard Modi these days is speak on development but people like Sujata keep the old logic of Hindu v/s Muslim alive just to prove that they are morally and intellectually on a higher ground, which I am sad to say they are not.

  3. Excellent write up Kunal. Just ignore these pseudo secularists. They have not woken up since thousands of years and its because of them we were ruled ruthlessly by Muslims and British. We are proud of the people of Gujarat. They have shown the way for rest of the country on how to take pride in their religion as well as how to vote for a leader whose only aim is development of the state.

  4. she is the only journalist who has the courage to write such anti-saffron things……..even pramod mahajan threatened her of dire consequences!!!

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